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Technology at BCS

More so now than ever, technology is a part of every person's life. As a college prep school, we want to prepare your child to be successful in an ever-changing world where what we dream today will be possible tomorrow.

Technology Vision
Bayshore Christian School offers a stimulating academic atmosphere that will prepare students to excel in a tech-rich, global environment with a Christian worldview.
Technology Mission
To prepare, train, and equip Faith Warriors with curriculum and technology that best supports the BCS mission to prepare future Christian leaders.
Early Childhood Division (K2, K3, K4)

Because young children's brains are developing, it is important for preschool children to have limited screen time. We do not use electronic devices in our preschool classrooms. Their time is spent learning and playing, so they can develop the necessary social, emotional, and academic foundation they need.

Lower Division (K5 - 5th)

And during the elementary school years, we introduce age-appropriate technology strategies so your child will understand HOW technology can help them learn. We balance this with the hands-on learning necessary for younger students.

All students in Lower Division are provided an iPad. This device is included in your Curriculum Fee. If you prefer, you can purchase additional insurance and accessories, such as a Bluetooth keyboard. During these years, students learn how to take care of the technology around them and how to use it as a tool in their education.

Middle Division (6th - 8th)

Once in Middle Division, your student will receive an iPad that is part of your Curriculum Fee. On a daily basis, students use collaborative technology like Office 365 in their work. They use Microsoft Teams, Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint on a regular basis.

In 8th grade, your child will troubleshoot technology (and real life problems!) using the Problem Solving Process. Students need to know what to do when things don't go as planned!

Your 8th grader will also receive an introduction to web design (HTML & CSS coding) to create their own websites. Students learn basic JavaScript in a computer animation module.

Writing is an important skill in preparation for college and in life in general. We want our students to gather and communicate their thoughts effectively in school and beyond. A cross-curricular research paper is an instrumental tool in this regard. Over the years, our students hone their research, writing, and technology skills in an interdisciplinary activity that spans subjects and teachers.

Upper Division (9th - 12th)

Your high school student will receive an iPad included with his or her Curriculum Fee. Students continue to work collaboratively with other students and teachers. Our students' textbooks are digital.

Your high school student will dive deeper into the world of technology with our Digital Multimedia classes where he or she will complete projects using the Adobe Creative Cloud. With access to Photoshop, Illustrator, and In Design, your child will learn real life technology skills that are sure to be helpful in college and beyond. Our Web Design class delves into HTML/CSS/Bootstrap code.

We know you want your child to be as well-prepared as possible in a world where technology changes exponentially every day. As the technology around us changes, we will adapt to ensure our students receive the preparation they need.